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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Oracle Apps - CDB / PDB how to source the environment and connect to CDB and PDB

 In Oracle E-Business suite with Multi tenant database, load the proper environment variables and connect to the database by performing the following steps:

  • For the non-CDB database, source the  $ORACLE_HOME/<non-CDB SID>_<HOST>.env/cmd file. Then, run  sqlplus<user>/<password>@<non-CDB SID>
  • For the CDB database, source the $ORACLE_HOME/<CDB SID>_<HOST>.env / cmd file. Then, run sqlplus<user>/<password> or connect as SYSDBA.
  • For the PDB database on UNIX/Linux platforms, to connect as SYSDBA, source the $ORACLE_HOME/<CDBSID>_<HOST>.env file. Set the ORACLE_PDB_SID environment variable to <PDB SID>. Then, connect as SYSDBA.
  • For the PDB database on Windows platforms, to connect as SYSDBA, source the $ORACLE_HOME/<PDBSID>_<HOST>.cmd file. Then, connect as SYSDBA.
  • For the PDB database, to connect to other users, source the $ORACLE_HOME/<PDB_SID>_<HOST>.env / cmd file. Then,run sqlplus <user>/<password>@<PDB SID>
