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Showing posts with label enterprise manager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enterprise manager. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How to download and setup Oracle Cloud Control agent software for provisioning

You want to add/update your target server to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and you notice that the Agent Software for your platform is shown as unavailable. Here I will describe the method how to download the agent software manually and setup in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control

This step is tested on Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12C

1) Ensure Cloud Control is set to offline mode. From the Setup menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Offline Patching.

2) Change the setting for Connection to Offline and click Apply.

3) From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Self Update.

4) Click on Agent Software Type and open Agent Software updates page.

5) Select the Agent Software you want to download for example: Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit) and click Download button on the top of table

  A message is displayed that contains the URL to be accessed to download

6) From an Internet-enabled computer, download the agent zip file
Once the update is downloaded, it can be imported to Enterprise Manager in one of the following ways:

7) Transfer the downloaded file to the OMS host, and run following command to import it to Enterprise Manager

8) Navigate to the 12.1 MOS home/bin directory and log in to emcli, running the command as the install user, for example:

 ./emcli login -username=sysman
 ./emcli import_update -omslocal -file=<absolute path to zipfile>

At this stage, the update will show up in a downloaded state in the Self Update home page.
Once the download is complete, select the Management Agent, then click Apply. This step will stage the Management Agent software in the Software Library and make it available to the Add Host Targets wizard, which you will use to install the Management Agent on host machines.
Click Agent Software to launch the Add Host Targets wizard.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Create Database Documentation using Oracle Grid Control

Oracle Grid control is one of the useful tools for DBAs and System administrators.
You can generate a documentation of your database using Oracle Grid Control with two click of mouse button.
You can acheive this using the report functionality in the grind control.
Grid Control management repository stores configuration and performance information of your database and provides many useful views.
The schema SYSMAN holds information of objects such as tables,tablespaces, views, triggers, packages, procedures, synonyms etc of target databases.
It also holds information of the host server including hardware and OS

Here i will share some of the SQLs used for generating report.

Grid control provides Dynamic Parameters of target and timeperiod. You can use this by including bind variable placeholders in your SQL statement.
For example; ??EMIP_BIND_TARGET_GUID?? - this variable will bind UID of the target for the report in your SQL statement.

1. To get Server Details
Below SQL provides the hardare and OS details and present in a tabular format.

decode(d.rn,1,'Host Name', 2,'Domain',3,'Operating System',4,'System Arch',5,'Manufacturer',6,'Memory(MB)',7,'IP Address') as col1,
decode(d.rn,1,h.host_name,2,h.domain,3, h.os_summary, 4,h.system_config,5,h.ma, 6,h.MEM,7,p1.PROPERTY_VALUE) as col2
from MGMT$OS_HW_SUMMARY h , (select level as rn from dual connect by level <= 7) d, mgmt_targets t1, mgmt_target_properties p1
where t.target_name=i.host_name
and i.TARGET_GUID='2AE31523681AB4BD3F1BC404F83E979C')
and p1.PROPERTY_NAME='IP_address'
and p1.target_guid=t1.target_guid
and t1.TARGET_NAME=h.host_name
2. DB Instance Details
decode(d.rn,1,'Database Name', 2,'Characterset',3,'Instance Name',4,'National Characterset',5,'Global Name',6,'Log Mode',7,'Version',8,'Default Temp Tblspce') as Property,
decode(d.rn,1,o.database_name, 2,o.characterset,3,o.instance_name,4,o.national_characterset,5,o.global_name,6,o.log_mode,7,o.banner,8,o.default_temp_tablespace) as Value
from mgmt$db_dbninstanceinfo o, (select level as rn from dual connect by level <= 8) d
where o.target_guid = ??EMIP_BIND_TARGET_GUID??
select 'DB Size(GB)', to_char(sum(FILE_SIZE)/1024/1024/1024) from MGMT$DB_DATAFILES

3. SGA Details
substr(sganame,1,length(sganame)-4) as Name,
decode(substr(sganame,length(sganame)-3,4),'(MB)',sgasize*1024,sgasize) as Value
and sganame in ('Buffered Cache (MB)','Fixed SGA (KB)','Redo Buffers (KB)','Variable SGA (MB)')
4. Variable SGA details
substr(sganame,1,length(sganame)-4) as Name,
decode(substr(sganame,length(sganame)-3,4),'(MB)',sgasize*1024,sgasize) as Value
and sganame like '%Pool%'

5. Non Default parameters
select Name,Value from MGMT$DB_INIT_PARAMS
and isdefault='FALSE'
6. Control File Details
select file_name as FileName,Status from MGMT$DB_CONTROLFILES

7. Intance Performace
select column_label,value FROM SYSMAN.MGMT$METRIC_CURRENT
Where metric_name='instance_efficiency'
and target_guid=??EMIP_BIND_TARGET_GUID??
Above are some of the SQLs used to generate report. In addition to that you can get the details of the Redo Logs, Tablespaces, Datafiles, Invalid Objects, Patches applied, Users with power privileges etc.