
These scripts come without warranty of any kind. Use them at your own risk. I assume no liability for the accuracy, correctness, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided by this site nor for any sort of damages using these scripts may cause.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Oracle error-20001:APP-FND-01972: When Trying To End Date A Responsibility

 EBS Release 12.1.3

When trying to end_date a responsibility that is assigned to a user an error occurs.

Oracle error-20001:APP-FND-01972:Error in FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API. Update_ Assignment. Cannot update this row because there is no direct assignment of the user XXX to the role FND_RESP\XXX\XXXXXXXXX\STANDARD in the workflow user/Role table. has been detected in FND_USER_RESP_GROUP_API.UPDATE_ASSIGNMENT.

This is caused by invalid data in the workflow user/Role table.

 please execute the following steps:

1. Go into the responsibility: System administrator.

2. Navigate to Requests > Run

3. Select request ''Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation' and submit

4. Retry to update the responsibility

Error when application cloning- adcfgclone: EBS R12.2 /etc/inittab does not seem to contain default runlevel information. Linux 7.x

Environment Details:

OS: RHEL 7.8 
EBS Release: 12.2.4
AD/TXK delta 12
ATG: 7


While cloning (adcfgclone) the EBS R12.2 on Linux 7.8 getting below error.

Check Name:CertifiedVersions
Check Description:This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the Oracle software is certified on the current O/S or not. 
/etc/inittab does not seem to contain default runlevel information. 
Expected result: One of oracle-7,redhat-7,redhat-6,oracle-6,oracle-5,enterprise-5.4,enterprise-4,enterprise-5,redhat-5.4,redhat-4,redhat-5,SuSE-10,SuSE-11 
Actual Result: redhat-Red 
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<

Verify the RPM redhat-lsb-4.1-27.0.1.el7.x86_64 is Installed on the server. If missing, install it. This is a pre-requisite for EBS R12.2 on Linux 7.x

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Oracle Apps - CDB / PDB how to source the environment and connect to CDB and PDB

 In Oracle E-Business suite with Multi tenant database, load the proper environment variables and connect to the database by performing the following steps:

  • For the non-CDB database, source the  $ORACLE_HOME/<non-CDB SID>_<HOST>.env/cmd file. Then, run  sqlplus<user>/<password>@<non-CDB SID>
  • For the CDB database, source the $ORACLE_HOME/<CDB SID>_<HOST>.env / cmd file. Then, run sqlplus<user>/<password> or connect as SYSDBA.
  • For the PDB database on UNIX/Linux platforms, to connect as SYSDBA, source the $ORACLE_HOME/<CDBSID>_<HOST>.env file. Set the ORACLE_PDB_SID environment variable to <PDB SID>. Then, connect as SYSDBA.
  • For the PDB database on Windows platforms, to connect as SYSDBA, source the $ORACLE_HOME/<PDBSID>_<HOST>.cmd file. Then, connect as SYSDBA.
  • For the PDB database, to connect to other users, source the $ORACLE_HOME/<PDB_SID>_<HOST>.env / cmd file. Then,run sqlplus <user>/<password>@<PDB SID>


Monday, May 3, 2021

How to check if connected to Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB)

 To know if you are connected to a Pluggable Database ( PDB) which is part of Container Database(CDB)

Execute below SQL script.



                                  Sys_Context('Userenv', 'CON_ID'),

                                  Sys_Context('Userenv', 'CON_NAME')

                          From dual;

If connected to PDB you will get first column value as YES , a non zero number for second column and PDB Name in third column

If connected to a normal database (non CDB/PDB) you will get first column value as NO, zero for second column and Database Name in third column.