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Showing posts with label Table. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Table. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Processing XML files and converting to Oracle RDBMS tables.

Oracle Database has the capability to store XML files. Oracle 9i onwards, there is a a datatype called XMLTYPE. Internally, Oracle uses CLOB to store the XML data. In this blog i will demonstrate how to load XML files to XMLTYPE table in Oracle Database and how to use query to extract data in tabular form.

1. Create a table with XMLTYPE column

create table XML_FILES

2. Load the XML files using SQL Loader.
 a) Create a SQL Loader control file
  Open notepad and add the below entries and save file as load_xml.ctl

  load data
  infile 'xml_files.dat'
  into table XML_FILES append
  fields terminated by ','
  xml_filler filler char
  ,xmldata lobfile(xml_filler) terminated by EOF

 b) Create  data file xml_files.dat.
  This file will be used by SQL Loader control file to read the file, filename and file id. Optionally, You can use shell script or batch programs to generate .dat file by reading directory.    Structure of the file should look similar as shown below.


  SAMPLE XML File content is shown below.

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <EMPDATA TIME_STAMP="2006-08-07T15:00:42"
    TRANSACTION_ID="2006-08-07T15:00:42" VERSION="1.0">
         <HIRE_DATE>2006-08-07 00:12:00.0</HIRE_DATE>
    <PHONE type="Office">5676739</PHONE>
    <PHONE type="Office">9123412432</PHONE>
        <HIRE_DATE>2006-08-17 00:12:00.0</HIRE_DATE>
    <PHONE type="Office">5676733</PHONE>
    <PHONE type="Office">9123434231</PHONE>

 c) Load the XML files to table using SQL Loader

  Execute the below command in the command prompt.

  sqlldr xmlstage@devl control=load_xml.ctl
  Once the command is executed successfully the XML files would have been loaded to the table. You can query the table to see the data loaded
  SQL>  select xmldata,file_id,file_name from xml_files;

  But the output will not show the XML file content entirely.

3. Querying the data in the XMLTYPE column

 a) Below query will extract emp_num, acct_num and amount from the XML
          EXTRACTVALUE (VALUE (ctba), '/EMP/AC_NO') acct_num,
          EXTRACTVALUE (VALUE (ctba), '/EMP/AMOUNT') amount
     FROM xmlstage.xml_files,
          TABLE (XMLSEQUENCE (EXTRACT (xmldata, '/EMPDATA/BODY/EMP'))) ctba

 b) Below Query will extract phone number and phone type. So it is little different as we have to extract the attribute of a node.  We have to specify attribute with "@"

                        'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'
                       ) hire_date,
          EXTRACTVALUE (VALUE (ctbb),
'/PHONE/@type') phone_type,
         EXTRACTVALUE (VALUE (ctbb), '/PHONE') phone
    FROM xmlstage.xml_files,
         TABLE (XMLSEQUENCE (EXTRACT (xmldata, '/EMPDATA/BODY/EMP'))) ctba,

 c) If your XML contains xml namespace attribute, you should ad xmlns as second parameter in the EXTRACT function and as third parameter in EXTRACTVALUE function.

You can use the queries like above to extract data from XMLTYPE column and insert into Tables for further processing.