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Saturday, October 11, 2014

OBIEE 11g Graphs Do not display after applying patch on

I have applied patch bundle on my OBIEE After applying the patch, I have noticed that none of my graphs/charts are displayed on the browser. I have deleted the browser cache and cookies, but still not displaying.

After referring the oracle support, I have did the following to resolve the issue.

We have customization for custom skins and styles in custom directory, so we did the below section first.

Section 1 Copy BIChart.swf  file to custom directory

1. Copied the BIChart.swf file from ORACLE_BI_HOME'bifoundation\web\app\res\sk_blafp\dvt directory to our custom directory

Custom directory located at <MW_HOME>/Oracle_BI/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServiceComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes/<custom_dir>/dvt

2. Stop and Restart the BI Presentation Service components

opmnctl stopproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

Section 2 Clear the managed server temporary files

1. Stop the Services
2. backup $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/bi_server1/tmp
3. cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/bi_server1/tmp
4. rm -rf * (including the hidden .internal directory)
5. Start the services

Now, open the browser and clear the cache and cookies.
Login to the analytics dashboard. If graphs/charts not visible, refresh the page by pressing ctrl+F5 (On Internet Explorer)

This should resolve the issue.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Oracle Apps: How to copy responsibilities assgined to a user to another user on same instance.

In the PROD instance, there is a user X who has 10 responsibilities assigned. Now you want to assign these 10 responsibilities to another user Y.  User Y already has 2 responsibility and want to copy remaining 8 responsibilities to user Y. You do not want to assign these responsibilities manually on the User Define form in System Administrator responsibility.

You can use a PL/SQL block similar to below to get it done.


  resp_count NUMBER := 0;

  CURSOR src_user_resps
    SELECT DISTINCT fa.application_short_name,
      fr.responsibility_key                  ,
       FROM fnd_application fa      ,
      fnd_responsibility fr         ,
      fnd_user fu                   ,
      fnd_user_resp_groups_all furga,
      fnd_security_groups fsg,
      fnd_responsibility_tl frt
      WHERE 1=1
      AND fu.user_name                        = '&From_Username'
      AND fu.user_id                          = furga.user_id
      AND fa.application_id                   = fr.application_id
      AND furga.responsibility_id             = fr.responsibility_id
      and furga.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id
      AND furga.responsibility_application_id = fa.application_id
      AND fsg.security_group_id               = furga.security_group_id
      AND furga.end_date IS NULL
SELECT DISTINCT fa.application_short_name,
      fr.responsibility_key                  ,
       FROM fnd_application fa      ,
      fnd_responsibility fr         ,
      fnd_user fu                   ,
      fnd_user_resp_groups_all furga,
      fnd_security_groups fsg,
      fnd_responsibility_tl frt
      WHERE 1=1
      AND fu.user_name                        = '&To_Username'
      AND fu.user_id                          = furga.user_id
      AND fa.application_id                   = fr.application_id
      AND furga.responsibility_id             = fr.responsibility_id
      and furga.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id
      AND furga.responsibility_application_id = fa.application_id
      AND fsg.security_group_id               = furga.security_group_id
      AND furga.end_date IS NULL;

  FOR user_resp_rec IN src_user_resps
                 (username            => '&To_Username',
                  resp_app            => user_resp_rec.application_short_name,
                  resp_key            => user_resp_rec.responsibility_key,
                  security_group      => user_resp_rec.security_group_key,
                  description         => 'Demo',
                  start_date          => SYSDATE,
                  end_date            => NULL
      resp_count := resp_count + 1;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Error while Adding Responsibility: ' || SQLERRM );
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'resp_app: ' || user_resp_rec.application_short_name );
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'resp_key: ' || user_resp_rec.responsibility_key );

  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (resp_count || '  Responsibilities copied Successfully!!' );